Free After School Programs in Los Angeles
How we provide free after school programs in Los Angeles
We partner with public schools to provide free after school programs in Los Angeles. Schools receive state or federal grant funding, and they hire us to provide quality services for their students. Typically, the schools that qualify for such grants are categorized as Title 1 schools, which means a high percentage of the population they serve is low-income.
The goal of Title 1 is to provide financial assistance to local education agencies and schools who serve high numbers of low-income families. Funds are used to help all children meet the state’s academic standards.
All students should have access to a quality education
At arc, we believe that regardless of income level, all students should have access to high quality after school programs. That’s why we work hard to make sure our activities are innovative and enriching.
One highlight of our programs are our team building and adventure trips. We take students out of the classroom and into the great outdoors. It is there where they gain valuable leadership and teamwork skills through rock climbing, kayaking, camping, and more.
We also offer our schools the value of structured customization. This means our programs maintain a level of quality control, with enough flexibility to fit the needs of the individual school’s students and community. At the high school level, for example, services include facilitating a student-led Leadership Council, a Drop-In Center, a schedule of Clubs, and Service Learning opportunities. Within these elements, a school can customize their program by choosing the types of clubs or service learning activities in which to participate.
It is with pride that, with the assistance of state and federal funding, we offer such programs free of charge. Cost can be a burden on struggling families, but we’re happy to say that is not the case for schools in partnership with arc when it comes to providing quality after school activities.
Do you want to partner with us? Contact us today to see how arc can serve you.