Record of Excellence
At a time when every dollar counts, student academic performance matters more than ever before, and opportunities for young people to have the experiences they need to excel in school and in life are all too often severely limited, we can help you reach your goals and help your students achieve their potential.
Why choose us?
Since 2001, our innovative after school and adventure programs have met and exceeded the expectations of district, school and California Department of Education partners. At the over 70 schools where we are located, the results are well-documented. We have a proven record of working closely with principals and certificated teachers to reinforce and expand upon what students are learning during the school day and helping children and young people succeed academically and socially.
Positive Attitude Outcomes
A large majority of arc students showed positive attitudes towards academic goals, school, and their self-esteem. Results show answers of “agree” or “strongly agree” to survey statements.
"I am very pleased with the arc program. The staff I have observed are positive, professional and strong role models for our students."
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