Community Resources



Arc is committed to ensuring the safety of all students in our care and to protecting their access to public education regardless of immigration or citizenship status.  We’ve compiled a list of resources that may be helpful to families related to their rights and responsibilities.

The larger school districts we serve have made extensive resources – and training – available to our teams and we encourage you to use the resources they have made available.  Students and families with questions should contact school administrators for guidance. These are all free resources and offered in multiple languages.

ARC FOLLOWS EACH SCHOOL OR DISTRICT’S SPECIFIC PROTOCOLS on what to do in the event of an ICE visit to campus or any other challenge to a student’s status.

Arc does not have any separate guidelines for what to do in case of an emergency. Arc staff should always follow the protocols of your own district.

We believe that being well-informed is the best defense. If you have trouble opening any of these links, contact us directly to resend.


To everyone on the Arc team:

I want to take a moment to speak personally and directly to Arc employees and reaffirm my unwavering commitment to ensuring that our schools and our company remain safe spaces — both physically and emotionally. I consider myself a social justice champion and nothing will shake my commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. I will always be an advocate for protecting funding for after-school programs, and I will always stand up against any force that threatens the well-being of our staff, students, or the wider communities we serve.

Our management team shares my passion for making a difference in children’s lives. We are continually discussing how to navigate the challenges that arise in our business — whether responding to political news like the recent threats to federal funding or addressing civic emergencies like the California fires. We remain deeply engaged in these issues. Our goal going forward is to share resources, give productive action ideas, and provide some clarity when things are chaotic.  We are all facing these challenges together and as we learn more, we will share more information with you.

Thank you for the dedication, heart, and energy you bring to this work. Arc is stronger because of you, and together, we will continue to stand up for the students and communities we serve.

With gratitude and resolve,

Brad Lupien


© 2025 Arc. All rights reserved.